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Content marketing is said to be the most effective way to market your company or product and it’s not just for B2B companies. More than 90% of companies are using content marketing. It is said to be the future of marketing since it costs 62% less than traditional marketing and generates 3 times more leads. (Source)

Social media can be a great entry point for early stage startups looking to build their community and gain exposure. However, as with much else in the entrepreneurial space, you need to keep it simple and be willing to constantly iterate.

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The pay-to-play future of paid social media advertising on social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter is creating a bottleneck of advertising exposure to users. Long gone are the days of generic Facebook ads for foregone products or links to questionable websites. Today’s newsfeeds are littered with quality advertising from multi-millionaire dollar companies. The focus on creating eye-catching designs has become pivotal to leading consumers to your desired destination, not only through imagery but also video campaign